The Oto isn't so sure:"Do I really have to stand besides a Porsche?"
I am not so sure either:"Is this really the right address?"
A couple days in Montreal, I love that city. A couple days spoiled by my friends R and J, whom I met sitting around their campfire on the ground in COR. The good wine should have given it away back then, but it didn't register, only the lack of chairs did. They however love good food and they can cook!
Oysters and white wine.

Deer (hunted by R) and red wine.

Real cheese, cappuccino and good chocolate.

Thats haute cuisine, we better not regret this later and keep or bud moving too. A scramble up Trap Dike in the Adirondacks, and a wake up call at 6:00 is the solution. Not the best time of the day, without my morning coffee.

We push our car through customs with a death battery and hike in the early morning through the muddy woods. Around the shore of Avalanche lake it goes to the beginning of the climb.

The idea is to scramble up through the Trap dike, which is an intrusion in the rock eroded away over time, and then climb out to continue the slabs to the top.

The scramble inside the dike is amazing, but very very slippery. Water is pouring besides us, on top of us and we hold on for dear life to the slick rock. When we are almost at the top R calls the danger unacceptable and we rope up for the last couple moves.

We climb out of the dike and I see my fear becomes true. With the heaviest rainfall in years the day before, the slab is impossible to scramble up. If I had been the most experienced I would have called it a day, however R leads the way through the bushes on the side and J follows with ease, guess I better follow too. Its scary and we have to concentrate not to make a mistake.

Near the top we enter the world of frozen bushes, luckily the ground stays ice free and after 7 hrs we make it to the top. With 9.8 km back to the car we conclude an awesome trip.

Again I have encounter two amazing people and happy to call them my friend now. And I finally made it to the Adirondacks, a place which was on my list for a while.