One thing I found out during this trip, is that Americans don't like to discuss the way I am used to. Lots of time, sitting around the campfire, stories are told instead of heated debates the way my Italian friends during our kayak trip in Alaska, are fought. I think its a matter of avoiding conflict or trying to keep respect for each other. For me discussing is a way to understand a different point of view, to understand another person, to understand another culture and I have missed it here. And of course I like to do it simply for the hack of it. But there is one, one person who sat across from me at work, one person who loves to do it, one person who moved with his family to the Mid-West, one person who gives me more discussion that what I bargained for in the next 5 days, my friend S.
We discuss the universe, politics and religion. I even make it to church to boost my anthropology study, but get a talk about the financial situation of the church instead. But it doesn't stop us from discussing it more and more. We have to take a break with a Sunday afternoon of Disk Golf, where we are ashamed of our 3 disks between the two of us, instead of the 30 disks each what the norm seems to be, to get ready for the next round. But then we continue again, its fun and I love being here. And what have we gained with these discussions, to be honest I don't remember, they all seems to have ended pretty blurry.

Iris (Midland, 21413 miles)