I have heard the stories before, don't take the wrong exit into Chicago, you might end up in a neighborhood you shouldn't be in. I don't drive interstates, so wrong exits are not a concern. Instead I just randomly pick a road straight into downtown. It starts like every other city. Walmart, McDonald, HomeDepot, Wendy's and all the other crappy american chains.
After an hour the neighborhoods become more shaggy and run down. This is poor America in its worse. I keep driving and notice another change. Everybody on the street is black and I suddenly feel very white. I lock the doors of my car, something I have never done in my life before. I feel very wrong by doing it, but I just don't feel save. I start driving in the left lane and keep an escape distance between me and the car in front of me at the traffics light. Is this real or just fear put into me by others. I feel really bad about the way I feel.
After passing an underpass, I am suddenly in a yuppie neighborhood. Students and hippies are walking pass trendy stores and restaurants. A contrast which shouldn't be real. A little later I drive straight into downtown.

Iris (Chicago, 21163 miles)