Somehow the term acquaintance became offensive. An acquaintance is called friend, and a friend is called best friend. There are old best friends and new best friends, good friends and just friends. Its complicated and not something to mess up. To grasp that underlying tone is something I didn’t manage yet, and in consequence I use the term “friend” loosely for everybody around me.
But where I am from, I would call her an acquaintance. We would see each other twice a week in the gym and might have said “hoi”. We would maybe ask what the other had climbed that weekend, but no extended conversation would follow. We had our own group of friends and at max we had 4 overlapping. I had heard about her wedding and her pregnancy, she had heard about my trip.
Somehow I drop P an email and ask about if there is a baby yet. The answer is a picture of baby D (who is a quarter Dutch), an update about a move to Boulder, and an invitation to step by. A hookup in Boulder, you only have to tell me that once.

Iris (Boulder, 45703 miles)