Me: Wow, your van smells of gasoline.
T: Sorry, it had its best time. It seems that you are on a road trip.
Me: Jeh, I am, loving it.
T: You kayak, bike, what else do you do?
Me: Oh, some climbing, hiking, backpacking, snowshoeing, what ever comes my way.
T: Cool. So you climb. You know the book Rock ‘n Road.
Me: Jeh, as a matter of fact, I have it right here.
T: Well, I am the writer.
Me: Oh really. So what is the best climbing area in the country?
T: Its right here in Frisco. You see that rock over there, it has a 20 pitch climb on it. You wane climb it?
Me: Sure. When?
T: Now!
Me: Now? Isn’t that a little bit to late, its 14:00 already and afternoon thunderstorms are quite common here. Like as in everyday common.
T: We can just run it up in 4 hrs, its 5.7/5.8, most of the half pitches we can link, and no route finding necessary as I set up the route myself. If it starts raining, we rap down.
Me: Wow.
T: There is however a book sell here at the library “Fill a plastic bag for $3”. I want to go there first.
Me: I come to that.

T: Lets climb.
Me: Hmmmm, hmmmm, okay, lets do it.

Iris (Frisco, 44972 miles)