Instead of the husband of the grey haired lady I am talking with, the son appears from underneath the kayak. My heart misses a beat. Thirty minutes later I drop H off at his car and leave him behind with a lined through phone number but a readable email in my hand. He stops shortly after to put my kayak in the Everglades waters and I watch him drive away back into his own world.
Now 3 month later I am waiting at a campsite in Cochise Stronghold to meet again. Its getting dark and I am getting nervous. With who am I actually meeting, will I even recognize H, what did I sign up for this time? Finally a car pulls up and a shape with a headlamp appears on each side of the vehicle. It becomes one of these awkward moments in life that I have no clue what to do with myself. Which light is it?
The next morning I can at least identify who is who. Recognition; No. But the feel I have around H is the same as back then, I feel a woman.

For me its real when you can be with a person without talking, when somebody’s present is enough to feel comfortable. Its just sucks that I have to climb 200 meter up a rock and hang on a chicken head anchor to feel save and taken care of. Guess that’s my life.

The climbing over all is amazing. Free campsites, a running creek to fresh up, granite multi pitch domes and with no guide book, an adventure to find the climbs.
H: Guess we are in the wrong valley?....A morning of hiking is also beautiful here!
Me: Why does this 5.5 bolted lead feels like a 5.9/10a…Oh, because it is…so proud!
I really love it here.

I was so happy he came, so sad he left. If we meet again? I have no clue. I can only hope. One day I figure out these American men. For now, I keep struggling on. But if we meet again, I cook. Seriously!

Iris (Cochise, 37684 miles)