When I tell Oto that I want to drive less and be more in the outdoor the coming months he becomes upset. For a month we wobble from left to right everytime we hit 55 mph and cruise control is out of the question will I not flip Oto on its side. Time to make a stop at the local garage and replace the rear suspension. I leave the garage and what...Oto is still upset and wobbles. I check sway bars, balance the tires, check the springs, ask around and check on the internet; Wobbling of a Nissan pathfinder 96-98 is caused by worn out upper and lower control arm bushings (what???).

The 8 bushings are ordered = $150
The man is called, R = $0 (did you really thought I was doing this alone)

The compressor picked up from J = $0
The straight sockets are from a local garage = $0 (sure blond girl, take what you need)

The torque wrench obtained from a local auto store = $0
The leveled driveway spot from neighbour left = $7 (beer is always good)
The stands and a jack from neighbour right = $0
Another jack from B = $0

Project: Closed
Iris (Austin, 35322 miles)