For the second time this trip I am home. Home in Austin, Texas.

Its 22:00 when I meet L and thats probably also when I fell in love.

Its day 1 and after spending the morning on a field trip with daughter G (Can I have a daughter like that?). I drop G and her friend off at the friends house. The mom doesn’t even blink an eye when a strange woman shows up at her door steps dropping of her daughter.

Its 3 weeks later, we sit on the ground in the boys bedroom drinking beer. It’s the men hang out evening and J has invited me too. We talk about children, farming, traveling and everything else what comes to mind.
Its week 4 and we go to a pot luck at some friends new purchased land. Half of the land will be cultivated by the GreenGateFarm, the other half will be transformed in a communal garden for 3 families.

Its week 6, L is preparing to take off for work, when a friend of M is dropped of at the house in the evening and the mother thanks me. I have no clue for what, but except it nevertheless. Later I find out that instead of 2, I will have 3 girls to keep an eye on this night.
Its week 7 and I am still here. Still in love and still feeling home. All 3 of you, I not just closed you into my heart, but you became part of me. Next time when we meet, I might stay forever, because even according the USA government you guys are my home.

Iris (Austin, 34968 miles)