For the second time this trip I am home. Home in Austin, Texas.
And as in Alaska, here in the middle of the red republican sea, the community on a little green island is close, intense and welcomes me with open arms.
Its 22:00 when I meet L and thats probably also when I fell in love.
Its the first morning, when I wake up, L is gone and she left me behind with her daughter M. That’s trust at first sight.
Its day 1 and after spending the morning on a field trip with daughter G (Can I have a daughter like that?). I drop G and her friend off at the friends house. The mom doesn’t even blink an eye when a strange woman shows up at her door steps dropping of her daughter.
Its a week later and L has her birthday. Instead of giving a party she organizes a service project. And when you are amazing, 50+ friends show up, local stores give discounts and the local organic food store provides a lunch.
Besides new paint, a new garden, including a vegetable garden, we upgrade the porch until late at night.
Its 2 weeks later and L is standing in front of my bed with 2 chickens under her arms. "They like to sleep with you!!"
Its 3 weeks later, we sit on the ground in the boys bedroom drinking beer. It’s the men hang out evening and J has invited me too. We talk about children, farming, traveling and everything else what comes to mind.
Its week 4 and we go to a pot luck at some friends new purchased land. Half of the land will be cultivated by the GreenGateFarm, the other half will be transformed in a communal garden for 3 families.
Its week 5, I drop by the house of J unexpected. Immediately an extra plate is set on the dinner table. S, his son shows me the aquifer in the front yard they are building with the run off road water, with a towel wrapped around his naked bud.
Its 6 weeks now and I drive Ms friend back home. On the way back I talk with M about music and boys/men. I love that girl.
Its week 6, L is preparing to take off for work, when a friend of M is dropped of at the house in the evening and the mother thanks me. I have no clue for what, but except it nevertheless. Later I find out that instead of 2, I will have 3 girls to keep an eye on this night.
Its week 7 and I am still here. Still in love and still feeling home. All 3 of you, I not just closed you into my heart, but you became part of me. Next time when we meet, I might stay forever, because even according the USA government you guys are my home.
Iris (Austin, 34968 miles)