When you live in the Bay area, you almost forget that people get old. It seems that everybody is young, active, rich and nerdy. So where are all these old people, where do you go when you retire? Yes, you look for the sun, for cheaper rents, for milder activities, you move to Florida. And so the demography of both places look very different.

Here life is at a different pace. There is time for beach walks, for hours of talking to friends, for board games with neighbours, for taking care of your car (some are worth it though). And you even have time to look for a handicap parking spot, while all are always taken.

After a life of hard work in cold Massachusetts, moving to Florida is exactly what B and E did. They are sweetheart and enjoy life to the full extend. But there is one thing that can frustrate them though. Computers. Haven't we all been there. On one side or the other. "Dad, what do you see on your screen." "Mam, the button besides that, please click it". "Iris, I don't get it, seems that things don't work on this side." "Please, please, please, just listen to me, and do what I say." Yes, the frustration of the older generation who didn't grew up with computers, but take the brave step to learn it and the frustration of the younger generation who tries to help over the phone.

But this opportunity B and E don't let slip by. With a house inland, I can move into their beach condo, oh jeh my own beach condo. And I am treated to breakfast, coffee and fresh fish dinners every night, oh jeh.

And in return, I help them setup their new computers with Windows 7. I make desktop icons, setup the wireless printer, explain skype, all the stuff we young generation take for granted.
For a couple days I live the retired life. But with my lifestyle, a real retirement might be out of reach forever, I shouldn't get to comfy. I am still way to young for this anyway and thats mostly proven by the simple fact that I think the sign at the pool is just hilarious.