And the year is: 1607
And we are in: Jamestown
What happened: the first British Colony was established
In 1607 some 104 soldiers and explorers anchored in the James River and established a settlement in the only place not occupied by the locals, Jamestown Island. A swamp without any fresh water, mosquitoes and surrounded by the still friendly Powhatan Indians. With no skilled man in the colony the first years were marked by diseases, starvation and Capt John Smith barely keeps the group together by trading food with the Powhatans.

But when they board the ships to sail home, new settlers arrive with food and fresh expectations. Jamestown gets a new try. With more mouth to feed, the settlers take what ever they won't get from the Indians with force and Indian attacks back violently. Thanks to the marriage of Pocahontas, the daughter of the Powhatan Chief, to John Rolfe things settled down a little.
Being the chief of about 20.000 people, Chief Powhatan let the settlers to their own business, there is enough land to share and never fights them again. He doesn't realize the unlimited supply of new people the British can bring in and thats exactly what happens. Woman arrive, families are established, a church is build. When John Rolfe establish the lucrative tobacco plant, Jamestown is good to go.

By this time the Powhatan were almost eliminated due to foreign diseases and several lost battles fought by Opechancanough, Chief Powhatans brother. An now nothing was in the way anymore for Jamestown to become the first successful British Colony in the New World.
What do I do: I spend hours walking through the very good state museum in Jamestown. And I have a cold, wet, very entertaining ranger tour through the actual Jamestown side.
What else:In the evening when I set up my car for a night in the harbour, the harbour manager comes back. He got in trouble to allow me the night here...with his wife... And so I follow B to his house, be treated with a dinner, a warm shower and a warm bed.
Iris (Jamestown, 26161 miles)