Ferry 3: Petersburg to Juneau

It only takes one flirt (and it wasn’t even me) and C, who works as Chief Mate on the ferry, offers to show me around. The tour starts on the blond girl, probably 26 years old and drop out of school level, but ends with a 101 course in navigation on the bridge. Its pretty cool stuff. For the rest of the trip I am enjoying the sunny weather and the stunning views.

Ferry 4: Juneau to Haines
Will I come back here? I leave so much behind, rocks to be climbed, glaciers to be explored, mountains to be scaled, sounds to be discovered by kayak or boat, slopes to be skied. Will I come back here? The sun is out to show the surrounding in its best behaviour, snow covered mountains are reflected their best sides in the mirror ocean, humpback whales wiggle their tails to me, dolphins come along to say goodbye, and seals are waving to me in the harbor of Haines.

Its like if everything wants to say something to me. Will I come back here?

Iris (Haines, 4225 miles)