Iris (Redwood City, 52756 miles)
30 November 2010
52756 - Interview with myself
So lets go over some statistics first:
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So that was it, how was it?
When I left I was scared. I wasn't sure that I could do this on my own. I just remembered how I had loved traveling through South America. So I figured to start in the familiar to ease in, Jtree, and book a ferry to Alaska to give myself a focus point. I told myself that any given point in time I could just turn around and head back. But I loved it and I just kept going. I hadn't predicted that it would turn out the way it did. Its funny to read back the 3rd entry of this blog. I wrote: And in front of me is laying America, with all its nature to be seen, cities to be explored, people to be met, experiences to be made. And that is exactly what I found; nature, cities, people and lifetime experiences.
Why do you think it turned out so good?
Being a blond chick helps for sure. But somehow I am also very approachable. People would start talking to me in the supermarket, at the gas station, in a parking lot and the next time I knew I was set up with dinner, a shower and a bed for the night.
Another fact that helped is my accent. It took time for people to understand whats up with me. In the mean time they started to just show me their lives. They would drag me along on ATVs, to parties, bars, festivals, to the top of mountains, over the ocean, to their family and friends. And I just said yes to everything and soaked it all up.
What was the purpose of this trip actually?
I simply wanted to see the country I had lived in the Bay Area and knew that California is only a small part of this immense country. And I had this European prejudgment, America just sucks, and wanted to see for myself whats was true about that.
To be honest, in general America still sucks.
The way the political system is set up with only 2 parties. We go left, we go right, or we fight.
The way religion is playing such a large roll still. The sanctity of marriage is only defined as between one man and one woman! Just that you know.
The way the people are made scared by the insane overreacting media. Where is my gun.
The way the infra structure is laid out. Where is the city center?
The way a discussion is not allowed to avoid conflict. Anybody can top this last story, while we don't want to talk about religion, different races, or politics!
On an individual level this country is amazing.
And then I am not just talking about the pockets of green in red Alaska and Texas, the environmental aware states of Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and California. Its also all these other states were people just live their lives. Are happy with who they are and what they have. An eye opener was to spend time with K, in his hunting trailer. I would normally walk in a big circle around these gun loving, drinking camps. But the fact was that I simply liked K. We talked a lot about our differences and where they came from. And I realized that "what you know, is who you are", (my aunt told me the same) and that made me lose my prejudgment of Americans. Instead I started to try to understand why people where thinking the way they did, or acting the way they did. If you understands somebodies background and environment, most people make sense. It confirmed one of my life rules: About 99.99% of the people on this planet are nice.
The most amazing part of America though is its nature, its overwhelming. The national parks are beautiful. The fact that you can roam around alone for days without encountering another human being is unheard of in Europe. The diversity in landscapes is enormous. I understand why Americans are not traveling all over the world, its all here. (Except I think some exposure to other cultures will open eyes). This is a wonderful country to be in the outdoors in.
Where there more people who had an influence on you?
In the beginning of this trip a friend asked me: "But what do you want, who are you?" At the time I had no answer and it troubled me. It troubled me for a long time and I kept thinking about it over and over. Why wouldn't buying a house, working a job make me happy? Why am I so on the move? Why do people have so much influence on me? Why am I not just me?
The next time when we sit around the campfire, I can answer him a little bit better: I am Iris, I am me.
I am however a modern explorer, inside and outside. I will never be satisfied and probably keep searching the rest of my life for who I am, what I want. But you know what, I love it and I am very happy doing it.
So it changed you?
I am not sure that it made me change. I think being so often alone and keeping true to myself in every situation, just gave me more trust in my own existence. A confirmation that I am still on the right path in my life. It is good to keep following my heart and be who I am.
Did you never missed home?
No. I can really feel home within hours in any given place. I keep my few routines and I am home. For sure with L and her daughters in Austin I had a special home, and with V and A in Alaska I felt I had never not lived there. But in general home is where my bed is that night.
Any special thanks to somebody?
Well to all the people I met on this trip. Who visited me, showed me their lives, took me in their house, enjoyed the outdoors with me, became my friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
AdamA AdamB Aimee Andrew Andy Angelique Anna AnnaW Ben Bill Bjorn Bonny BradP BradS BradT Brooke Carola Christian Christine Christine Cody Condrad Crescent Dave Davin Debbie Dede Derek Don Doug Eddie Edgar Eph Eric Fig Francesco Frank Gayla Gemma Greta Heather Heidi Inger Janet Janou Jason Jay JeffB JeffW Jan Jen Joel John Jonathan Julie Karin Katie KenH Ken Kert Kyle LauraB LauraS Le Lee Leona Lyn Mardie Markus Mat Matt Mia Michael Micheal Mikaila Neale Nicole Odessa Patrick Patty Pavel Pete Randy Rob Romain Ronald Sandy Sarah Sarah Scotty Shannon SteveV SteveM Sylvie Ted Tim Tina ToddB ToddG Trampas Vern Vi Whit Will ZacH ZacM Zeke and many more...
I do wanne mention somebody special; mM. Doing a trip like this can not be done without a solid home base. Most of the time it went like this. mM !!! I have an address for the coming 4 days. Please send my creditcard / drivers license / car insurance etc now. That is now, today, now. And off went mM again to the post office to send my needs express to me. Every time I went in the outdoors alone, I would send mM and trip itinerary and mM would keep an eye out for me. When I was down, I was encouraged to keep going and believe in myself, and when I was happy, we would laugh and do some research for the blog about my experiences. Thank you so much.
Tell me about the blog.
The blog has helped me a lot to shape the trip. When you are by yourself you tend to rush through everything a lot more. The blog made me stop and really read the displays in museums and it forced me to do some back ground research on topics. I also really enjoyed writing on it. It gave me some escape from the outside world now and then and made me process the experiences I had in a more structured way.
Are you going to continue your blog?
No, this was it. The travel is over so the IrisOpReis blog is least for now. All of you, thanks for reading though.
You did so many things, what was the best?
Definitely the Quetico kayak trip in Canada was a highlight as well as the Great Divide bike trip in Colorado. I really love to do trips alone and be with nature. Oh and floating down the Yukon and kayaking Prince William sound were just impressive. The best however was the Tofino kayak trip. It had it all. The scary moments, the peaceful days, a beautiful surrounding, the fish on the campfire, the solitude, the company.
What bothered you the most?
I grew up with gymnastics, ice skating, wind surfing, rowing, road biking. I understand the working of LED, LCD, semi-conducting. I know who Pim Fortuyn and W.A. van Buren are. All not very relevant though, if you live in a hunters camp, if you work on an organic farm, if you are climbing a rock. And so on many occasions I felt very naive or even dumb, and I became more a follower compared to my natural tendency to lead. It made me very humble but also hard to stay being who I am. It was good that I had many hours alone, where I would be dependent on just me and in that way gained trust in myself again. But from time to time it angered me. I am not stupid!!!
How does Oto do?
My little brother found the most awesome car for me ever, and it never let me down. Oto is still running smooth and strong. And he will stays with me for a little bit longer.
Back in the Bay Area?
No, for sure not. I loved the life there, and the fact to be able to work in the center of the high tech world. Going back however wouldn't be a step forwards. I thought about China, because that would have been an adventure. But at the moment I can not do the high tech life again. Traffic jams, 60 hr work weeks, 2 week vacations, smog. Yes, it makes shit loads of money, but thats not what life is about.
In Silicon Valley you are hired as a specialist and there are very high expectations of you. And with all the best brains in the world around you, keeping up the appearance that you can handle it, is what you do. Arriving in Alaska the opposite was asked from me. No bull shit, just tell what you can and what you can not do. That will keep us alive out there. If you have never done it, we will teach you. It felt like coming home.
So for the winter I have rented a room in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. I have some friends here and its just a beautiful place. Then when spring comes; yes Alaska. I hope to work for the pizza place of a friend and live a more sustainable lifestyle (maybe with other friends). Every spare minute will be spend in this incredible states outdoor with a close community nearby. Money? I lived out of a car and was happy. And the winter? Well thats going to be worries for later. But northern lights for sure. First a summer full of new adventures, new skills to be learned, new customs to be adapted...My explorations are starting all over again. Loving it!!!
Iris (Redwood City, 52756 miles)
10 November 2010
50259 - Again a birthday
Time flies, my 38th birthday and the second on the road. How can I make this day special after all these adventures from the last year(s)? Somehow we succeed, Selkirks Mountains!
It took a while to get here. When the description said, make a right turn after 0.8 km, all I see is bushes. N who is driving, sees however an overgrown old logging road.
Also finding the trail head turned out to be a challenge.
And where the Fairy Meadow hut is...
New energy made us continue the next day.
And on my birthday, I wake up besides the one I love.
I get coffee while watching the sunrise from my sleeping bag.
We go for a hike.
And indicate all the peaks for the next time (ski or climb)?
Back at the hut...
Soup and Sauna !
I am again simply happy. This was a special amazing birthday!
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