Iris (Boulder, 44372 miles)
31 July 2010
28 July 2010
44303 - Evil M and work
M flies over for a week of work. Well my current occupation, climbing, hiking, scrambling, camping. That kind of work. Its good to see him again.
Petit Grepon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
We are dragging heavy packs up the mountain. As the map indicates only 3 miles, the reality is 6 miles and we are struggling more then anticipated. Just before dark we crash down on some rocks and define it our bivy side.

Mount Neva, Thursday
M wakes me up early again. This time we have to drive in and scramble up Mount Neva. 3900 meters high and a class 3-4 scramble to the top. We start hiking through amazing wild flowers.

Mount Torrey and Mount Gray, Friday
M wakes me up in the middle of a dream again at 6:00 and when I fall back to sleep he taps more vigorously on my window. This becomes a little evil. Today Torrey and Gray peak are scheduled. Both part of the 14th thousand feet list and both very popular. Its just a normal Friday morning, but when we arrive at 7:00 at the trail head, I slide Oto in the last available parking spot. At least 75 people are ahead of us. This Colorado fitness is getting real challenging.
The route goes over a class 3 scramble ridge up to Torrey peak, 4349 meter.

Its 6:00 again. Okey this is evil. I drop M back on the plane, and sleep 4 more hours at home. Its not the early starts that bothers me, its the only 6 hrs of sleep every night, I need 8! Its also pretty tiring such a work week, running behind M to keep up. Luckily I am in shape at the moment and acclimated at 3000 meter for a while now. Otherwise this blog would have called him eM through out.
Iris (Boulder, 44303 miles)
16 July 2010
42521 - Perfect bluegrass again
I wake up alone in an hotel room in Ridgway. Thats my life. I can't say that I haven't been running away from some men, but I can't say either that there haven't been some men running away from me. It doesn't make it easier that I am attracted to these solitary, introvert men, but it seems the only way to keep my own freedom inside a relation. Please go climb a mountain, hunt an animal, raft a river, kayak an ocean, so I can go ride my bike, climb a rock, travel the world.
There is one exception though. Somebody who doesn't run away, somebody I won't run away from. Somebody I can look dreamily in the eyes, somebody who plays music just for me. It may help that there is a girlfriend, an age difference, and a very good communication that things are so easy. Jeh, I meet up with J again.

Having been here before and connected, some of the locals drove over to see the band perform in Ridgway. And now J is thanking them, with some free picking on the terrasse. O and another band member and some locals join and the community is gathering around. The atmosphere is so relax, the beer so good, the music so beautiful, this is an evening to remember for ever.

Iris (Ridgway, 42521 miles)
14 July 2010
42389 - Mountain biking, me?
I met B while bike trekking, and now that we meet again in one of the meccas of mountain biking, Crested Butte, there is only one thing to do, biking. Me however, is commuter biker, road biker and trekking biker, that mountain biking is not really my thing.
My luck, B just paced somebody for 60 miles in the Hardrock 100 mile Endurance Run (a 100-mile run with 10.000 meter of climb and a high point of 4300 meter), and doesn't mind to take it easy for a couple of days. Yes, being in shape in Colorado has its own standard.
B, thanks for the wonderful days, you succeeded. I really start liking mountain biking. Maybe I should sell my fixie and buy a good mountainbike?
Iris (Crested Butte, 42389 miles)
11 July 2010
42265 - Surrounded by idiots
Yes, I am surrounded by idiots. And I am talking about you, you American idiot.
You who name some games between 2 national baseball leagues, the world series. Don't you know that the world exist out of more countries then the USA, you idiot.
But indeed you don't know much about the world. You think that when I say I am Dutch, that I am from Denmark and speak Deutsch. Don't you know thats an insult to me, you idiot.
We Dutch people dislike the German people. Indeed we are not so political correct over there in the Old World, we really dislike them. And no, that has nothing to do with the war. That was before my times. It all has to do with the lost world cup soccer final in 1974. Yes indeed, I was only 2 years old and shouldn't be aware of that fact either. Except every parent in NL will imprint that national trauma in their kids (I still see you father turning white, when Germany scored).

Do you know when you ask me what I am doing today, July 11, 2010 I think you are an idiot. Do you know that the rest of the world does know what I am doing today, you idiot. Do you know that when we talk about the game today, we talk about the World cup final, and you shouldn't think: baseball?, football?, ice-hockey?, basketball? There is soccer too, you idiot.

The one I should thank the most though is H. Not American but Canadian and she knows the game from inside out. Thank you for letting me come to Salida. Thank you for watching the game with me. Thank you for arranging a quite place with a big television. Thank you for your friend, who was cheering very quietly (for Spain). Thank you for being my friend in this country full of idiots.
And you idiot, if you even care about the result of the World cup soccer final between Spain and the Netherlands. Here it is. We lost.
Its so nice to vent my emotions for once. That helps at least a little bit with the disappointment.
Iris (Salida, 42265 miles)
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